

Soundtracks for Film

With a unique ability to infuse the magic of music into the very soul of film, Christel brings stories to life, immersing audiences in a world of emotion and imagination, leaving an indelible mark on the storytelling experience.

Soundtracks for Dance

Beyond the realm of film, Christel is a sought-after composer in the world of dance. With a unique ability to capture movement and emotion in every note, her music becomes an integral part of the narrative, transcending boundaries and leaving a mark on the global dance stage.

Soundtracks for Stage & Google

Christel Veraart’s musical tapestries and innovative sound designs elevate the realms of stage and performance, weaving emotion into every note. Veraart’s compositions transport audiences to new dimensions, seamlessly merging the auditory and visual realms. From Google Doodles to ethereal compositions that underscore the drama on stage, to cutting-edge soundscapes that redefine the boundaries of sonic storytelling.

Albums & Singles

With an impressive portfolio, Christel composed the music, wrote the lyrics, lent her voice, and produced 10 albums and a myriad of singles. Her musical journey is a testament to her versatility and dedication, showcasing a harmonious blend of composition, lyricism, performance, and production.


Contact Christel

Get In Touch

Christel would love to hear from you!

If you have any questions, please send her a little note and she will get back to you as soon as she can.